Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalytic Therapist
Psychological Assessment
Psychological assessment is a core component of clinical psychology practice. Patients often present for formal testing to measure their psychological, cognitive, or academic functioning. For example, you may be struggling with emotional difficulties and need a formal diagnosis, or you may be experiencing difficulties with your memory or concentration and need an assessment of your cognition.
Diagnostic and Personality Assessment
Some patients' primary reason for receiving psychological assessment may be to obtain a formal diagnosis or to obtain an assessment of their personality and/or their psychological functioning.
Cognitive Assessments
People seek cognitive and intellectual assessments for a range of reasons. These kinds of assessments may involve something as simple as an assessment of your intelligence (your I.Q.) and an assessment of strengths and weaknesses. However, some people have more specific and complex difficulties with attention, memory, language, or problem solving and need a more thorough investigation.
Academic Assessments
Some children and adults experience academic difficulties and they may see a psychologist to determine what the cause of those dififculties is. For example, they may have a learning disorder which makes it difficult to learn, but the difficulty learning could also be due to a cognitive problem or an emotional problem. A psychologist may assist in working out what the underlying difficulties are and may help with finding some compensatory strategies.